API Design for C++ epub

API Design for C++. Martin Ry

API Design for C++

ISBN: 0123850037,9780123850034 | 446 pages | 12 Mb

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API Design for C++ Martin Ry
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann

ˏ�서의 즐거움 :: API design for C++ – 함수 인자의 개수는 몇개나? Today we are announcing Casablanca, a Microsoft incubation effort to support cloud based client-server communication in native code using a modern asynchronous C++ API design. ʷ�데 딱히 기억� 필요는 없어 보이긴 하지만 암튼 길어서 좋을 건 없다. There seems to be something elusive about API design that, despite years of progress, we have yet to master. Worse, recent APIs implemented in modern programming languages make the same mistakes as their 20-year-old counterparts written in C. For several years Gecko used a C++ wrapper around cairo as its cross-platform rendering API. Item 18: Make interfaces easy to use correctly and hard to use incorrectly]. This page should be helpful for everyone who is interested in using C++ in scientific computation, especially on large projects. ʷ� 이상이면 코드도 지저분해지� 기억하기도 힘들다. Another example: Contrary to the default belief of some I've encountered (and then corrected), Gavin King has never programmed in C++. Api Design Principles An updated version of the old Qt Quarterly article Designing Qt-Style C++ APIs from the first paragraph: "This document tries to summarize the know-how we've accumulated on designing Qt-style APIs. C++ was designed to be backwardly compatible with C. Cesc0405 is on a distinguished road. ʲ�론은 5개 이하로 � 것. You are creating an API that developers will interact with. When writing a C++ library, we have to design the interface (API) carefully [Effective C++ 3rd ed. This is a rather accessible look at the .

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